quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2007

Hanging On

I'm afraid of the dark...
I'm afraid of pain...

I'm trying to be strong for me and my relatives but... it's so much...

It's a heavy painful path that i need to cross... I need to keep going... Strong...

Trying to hang on...

2 comentários:

Pestanudo disse...

Querida amiga: felizmente não faço a menor ideia do que é sofrer à distância, por alguém que nos é tão querido. Mas sorri, ri muito, para poderes carregar as baterias, para enfrentares da melhor forma o mal que possa vir. São meras palvras que te escrevo, mas por sentir que estás entristecida tento da minha melhor maneira, dar algum calor ao teu coração.

Força linda e sorri...sempre que possas.

Anónimo disse...

Our life sometimes is like riding the waves... one wave can be a perfect flight, sharing freedom with a calm soft sense of quiteness.. other waves... bring us down.. drag us to the bottom.. pain, confusion, no sense of direction or future... but a rider must go on, get to the next wave.. maybe falling again, maybe getting that freedom... falling, pain, dragging.. can only make us strong and learn for the next wave. At night, feeling every bone and muscle, enjoying the deserved cofee, memories of freedom and pain, mix... good waves are remembered for their instant pleasure, bad waves give us the sense of the learnings, the necessary swim to reach the potential of happiness... LFC